Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Baby Shower!!

WOW – I don’t even know where to begin on my baby shower recap because it was absolutely amazing!

My shower was actually a whole weekend event thanks to all the friends and family that traveled into Jacksonville!!

My mom arrived from TX on Wed evening; she stayed with John and I that night. Our life-long family friends Mary Kay and her daughter Allie also arrived on Wed from Chicago. Jacki another life long family friend arrived on Thursday from Indiana. Thursday while I was working all the girls drove around town shopping together. We all met back at my house and did dinner together. It was so great to be able to start the weekend with them on Thursday. My Dad, Stephanie, Bailey, and Brandon arrived on Thursday evening from Ft. Myers. I took Friday off work to spend some extra time with all my family and out of town guests. In the morning I had a doctor’s appointment, with ultrasound. See the post below! That afternoon we went up to Amelia Island (where Mary Kay and Allie were staying) and spent some time on the beach and the pool. Despite the awful Jacksonville weather we had the week before, we could not have asked for better weather the whole weekend! Friday night all 10 of us went out to Carrabbas for dinner. GREAT TIMES! Here is a couple of pictures from Friday:

The whole clan:

Almost forgot – While the girls were out shopping mom added a few gifts onto my shower gifts but did not want to wrap and take them to the shower. We got us the pack and play that will also be used as the bassinet in our room for the first couple of weeks till the baby moves to their room. Of course we had to put it together right away, here is a picture:
Now onto the actual shower day! Once again my shower was amazing. I have the best family and friends one could ever wish for. There was about 35 people and I was thankful for each and everyone one of them coming! Between co-workers, church friends, John’s aunts and cousin from Cocoa Beach, college friends from FL cities other then Jacksonville, neighbors and all my other Jacksonville family/friends. Special THANKS to John’s Aunt Jo for opening up her beautiful home to fit us all in! I tried my best to get around and talk to everyone but that was probably the hardest part of my day!! We received an amazing amount of gifts and are so thankful for each and every item. We received a lot of the useful items, even though they may not have been the most fun to buy. I believe not knowing the sex of the baby helped here!! We have a very short list of remaining items that John and I actually have to go purchase. Here are some pictures from the day!

Look at all those gifts!!!

Everyone playing games! The blanket my mother in law made :)The quilt my mom made :)

Because so many family and friends traveled to Jax for the shower John and I had family and out of town guests back at our house after the shower for a BBQ. It was great to spend the rest of the day with family and friends!

Later that night I went back through all of my gifts with John and my dad since they were not at the shower. It so a lot of fun to go back through everything!!

Sunday Mom and Jacki came back over to my house to hang out for a bit before they had to catch their planes home. We went through all the gifts again and started some of the organizing :) Here is a picture; I was having too much fun!
Thank you again to EVERYONE who came to my shower and for every gift we received. We are so grateful for the amazing group of friends and family that we have. We cannot wait for each and every one of you to meet Baby Payne!!

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