Friday, June 5, 2009

33 Week Update – 32 week Doctor’s Appointment

So again a month has flown by since my last update!

Yesterday (Thurs 6/4) I hit 33 weeks. The time is still going really fast but we are getting more and more excited to meet Baby Payne, even though we don’t want an unhealthy early arrival!

On Friday, May 29th I had my 32 week Doctor’s Appointment. Everything is still looking good. They started with an ultrasound to take a look inside since I had been measuring big over the past couple of months. They determined that I do have a little too much fluid. You are considered to have to much fluid at 25 (not sure what the measurement is) and I am at 26. The doctor said she would not be concerned until someone is in the 40’s. They don’t have an exact reason for the extra fluid but one reason can be caused by an infection. They drew blood to perform tests for infection. If there is something wrong they will contact me immediately, if not they will update me at my next appointment. So far I have heard nothing (its been a week) so I think we are fine! The doctor said its nothing I should lose sleep over, so if she is not concerned I’m not going to let it concern me. My next appointment is next week – Thurs June 11th (34 weeks).

My mom and John’s mom came to the ultrasound with me. We were small talking with the tech and mentioned that my shower was the next day. During the ultrasound she clicked over to the 3D/4D portion. This is something that you normally have to pay extra for (insurance does not cover it). But she was just doing it to be nice and mentioned it was her contribution to the shower. We got some amazing pictures and video of Baby Payne. I could not believe how clear the images were. She mentioned if we had paid for the 3D/4D session we would not have gotten this good of pictures, the baby’s like to hide. It was very nice of her and we appreciated it very much. Here is one of the pictures:

The baby is constantly moving and kicking. Its still an amazing feeling every time. I have felt a few instances of the hiccups recently too, so neat!!

My baby shower was also this past weekend. It was amazing and I have lots to share so I will save that for another post :)

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