Wednesday, June 17, 2009

34 Week Doctor Appt

Back on June 11th, I went to the doctor for my 34 week appt. All labs from blood work at last appointment came back negative. I’m still measuring big (39cm at 34 weeks, suppose to be within 2cm of number of weeks) but since all the labs are fine there are no concerns. I have another ultrasound schedule at my next appt. (6/26) to measure the fluid levels again.

Heartbeat sounded great. My weight is up a little bit but last appointment I hadn’t gained anything so really it was over the past month not 2 weeks, again doctor was not worried about it, but just told me to watch it. They drew one vial of blood to check my iron again, routine for 34 weeks. Next appointment is on 6/26 for 36 week check, after that appointment I will begin going every week.

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