Sunday, January 18, 2009

3rd Appointment - 1st Trimester Screening

I'm officially 13 weeks (as of Jan 15th). This is my final week of the first trimester! This week fingerprints have formed on our baby's fingertips, veins and organs are visible through the thin skin. The baby is 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce!

We had our first trimester screening on Friday. This screening consists of a detailed ultrasound and 5 drips of blood from my finger. The ultrasound measurements and blood work will detect the risk of Downs syndrome along with some others.

The ultrasound was great! This machine was a lot more high tech then the others we have had. At first my bladder was too full and the tech made me go empty it! Once we started again the baby was being stubborn! Kept facing away from the camera laying on its side. After a little work by the tech to wake up the baby, it came around! The little arms and legs were moving a lot! Near the end we could see the hand go up to the mouth like the baby was trying to suck it's thumb, it was amazing!! Here is the best picture we got:

The little dot in the top center is the hand and you can also see the little feet to the right. We also love how clear the profile of the face is!!!

I'm still feeling great and have had no problems. No crazy cravings yet either!

Our next appointment is Feb 3rd. Will update between then as we reach the different weeks! Thanks for reading!!


  1. Were you able to see any "parts"? Mitchell cried at church today and they put his number up all throughout the service and I never saw it. He's got 4 teeth coming in and his mouth was hurting.

  2. Ice cream ... it's just a matter of time before the craving starts! :)

    I love seeing the little face of my 'grand' ...

  3. Hi Gretchen! I found your blog through April's blog! Congrats on your little one! I know ya'll must be so excited!

  4. April - no parts! We are not finding out so we wont be looking either!!

    Priscilla - Glad you found me! Thanks for the congrats, we are very excited! Thanks again!

  5. So glad I found your blog, I started mine when I pregnant and so far I've enjoyed keeping up with it and my out of town fam loves it. I just made it private so send me your email if you want to read it.

    I can't believe you are not finding out...good for you, I couldn't stand not to know.

  6. GPayne,
    Very neat ultrasound picture! I'm happy to hear everything is going well and that you still feel well. I think you're out of the woods in terms of sickness now that you're in the 2nd trimester.
    take care,
