Thursday, January 29, 2009

Week 15

Today starts week 15. This week the baby now measures 4 inches long and weighs about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). The baby can now move all of its joints and limbs. Although the eyelids are still fused shut, it can sense light.

Last night and today I have come down with a rough cold. I left work early today to rest and pump in the fluids! Hopefully it will pass quickly!

My belly still has not "popped" Its defiantly growing because most of my pants have been come to tight to button. I have bought a couple pairs of maternity pants, but they don't fit right either. I guess I'm in the in between "fat" stage. I'm sure my belly will pop soon enough!

Next doctor appointment is on Tues (Feb 3rd). Will update after that appointment.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

3rd Appointment - 1st Trimester Screening

I'm officially 13 weeks (as of Jan 15th). This is my final week of the first trimester! This week fingerprints have formed on our baby's fingertips, veins and organs are visible through the thin skin. The baby is 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce!

We had our first trimester screening on Friday. This screening consists of a detailed ultrasound and 5 drips of blood from my finger. The ultrasound measurements and blood work will detect the risk of Downs syndrome along with some others.

The ultrasound was great! This machine was a lot more high tech then the others we have had. At first my bladder was too full and the tech made me go empty it! Once we started again the baby was being stubborn! Kept facing away from the camera laying on its side. After a little work by the tech to wake up the baby, it came around! The little arms and legs were moving a lot! Near the end we could see the hand go up to the mouth like the baby was trying to suck it's thumb, it was amazing!! Here is the best picture we got:

The little dot in the top center is the hand and you can also see the little feet to the right. We also love how clear the profile of the face is!!!

I'm still feeling great and have had no problems. No crazy cravings yet either!

Our next appointment is Feb 3rd. Will update between then as we reach the different weeks! Thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First/Second OB Appointments and Blogging Attempt

I have never had a blog before but I figured it would be a great way to keep in touch with all our family and friends through this new exciting journey. It will also be a great way for me to keep my pregnancy story documented!

As you all know John and I are expecting our first little bundle of Joy!! I took the home pregnancy test on Sunday November 23rd. I found out on Monday the 24th that I had finally passed all the sections of the CPA exam and was officially done! It was great timing as we kept saying we would try for a baby after I passed the exam!!!

Our first OB appointment was Tuesday December 9th. John came with me as we were not sure what tests were planned. I gave a urine sample which produced two more positive tests. My doctor then performed an internal ultrasound! How exciting! We got to see the little baby! The doctor measured the baby from butt to head and I was 7 weeks and 5 days. My due date is July 23, 2009. On the ultrasound we got to see the little heart beating away, it was truly amazing! Here is a picture of the little bean:

Our second OB appointment was today Tuesday January 6th. Today we first met with the nurse to chat about all the appointments during the pregnancy and which tests will be performed when. We met with the doctor for a few minutes. She was able to do an external ultrasound today! The baby is quite a mover! The baby's hands were waving and was bouncing all around! So neat! Finally I had blood drawn for the first set of tests. Here is an updated picture from today:

I will be 12 weeks on Thursday Jan 8th. According to my online research the baby is the size of a plum! I have been feeling great and hope it continues through the next months!

My next appointment is Friday January 16th. This appointment will be the official first trimester screening. They will do a detailed ultrasound. My doctor said that ultrasound machine is better then the ones in each of the rooms and we should get better pictures!! We can also bring a DVD to record it! Will update after my next appointment!