Tuesday, March 31, 2009

24 weeks, Babymoon, and Doc Appt

Everything is still going great with the baby and me! This past weekend was very exciting as I finally felt the first kicks! It was a weird feeling but amazing! It happened the first time at work on Friday; I could actually look down and see my belly jumping, WOW! John was able to feel the kicks on Saturday! The baby has continued to be active at times when I’m sitting or relaxing. Many people feel the baby at night but this baby seems to be pretty active mid-morning, maybe we could be on a good schedule already :)

I will be 24 weeks on Thursday, April 2nd. This week the baby weights in at just over a pound and measures about a foot long (picture an ear of corn). The baby is a pretty lean figure at this point but will begin filling out and pluming up soon. The brain is growing quickly now and taste buds are continuing to develop. The skin is still thin and translucent but that will start to change soon too.

John and I took a 4-night cruise this month as our Babymoon vacation or last getaway before the baby’s arrival! It was a great relaxing trip. We spent 2 full days at sea and 1 day in Cozumel, Mexico. In Mexico we took a catamaran sail boat trip with some snorkeling and beach time. We met a nice couple from Austin on the ship that was on the same sail trip; we also hung out with them the rest of the day in Cozumel! Here is a couple of pictures (and bump pictures) from our trip:

Today I went to the doctor. They did the routine urine, blood pressure, weight checks. I have gained 10 lbs to this point; doctor seemed to be ok with this. I met another doctor (the only male doctor) in the practice during this visit. He was super nice and I really enjoyed meeting him. He gave me some prescription samples for my acid reflux to try. He measured my belly and said the baby is measuring a little big at this point but he is not concerned. If it continues we will cross that path down the road. We also listened to the heartbeat and everything sounded great. All other tests up to this point were normal too. I will go back in 4 weeks to meet the final doctor in the practice and have my glucose screening test. This is a test to check for gestational diabetes.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Second Trimester Ultrasound and 20 weeks

On Monday we had our second trimester ultrasound and doctor's appointment.

Here is some new pictures of the baby:
In this one the baby is looking directly at the camera:

In this one you can see how developed the spine is, amazing!

During the ultrasound the baby was very active. It kept bouncing around and stretching like it had all the room in the world, I hope it doesn't get used to that :) The legs looked very long. When they measured the head it measured about 21 weeks, I was only just over 19 weeks at this appointment, so right now we have a big head.

This would have been the ultrasound they could have told us the sex, as you know we are waiting. The ultrasound tech got very quiet at the end but we could not see anything, she wouldn't tell us if she knew or not, I'm sure she did. We are still excited for the surprise!

The doctor's appointment portion was good too. We listened to the heart beat and it sounded great. Doctor said all my prior blood work and everything looked great. She did mention that I had a weight jump, but it was still ok. I had only gained 1 lb up to this point so it was expected. She didn't tell me how much and I didn't ask!

Our next appointment is in 4 weeks - March 31st. I will meet another doctor in the practice at this appointment, the only male doctor in the office.

On Thurs (3/5) I will be 20 weeks - half way there! I cannot believe how fast time has gone. The baby weights about 10 1/2 ounces now and is around 6 1/2 inches from head to heel (the size of a cantaloupe). The baby is swallowing more these days, which is a good practice for their digestive system. I have still been feeling great. I am having a bit of acid reflux, up to this point I have been able to keep it down with water but tonight I broke down an bought tums. The doctor recommended tums and said they are good b/c of the calcium.