Monday, July 20, 2009



Joel David Payne was born on July 15, 2009 at 8:28am. He was 8 lbs and 2 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. The c-section delivery was perfect. Our hospital visit was uneventful and everything went as perfect as planned. My recovery was quick and the nurses and doctors were surprised how fast I was up and moving!! We came home on Friday. Friday night was a little rough but Sat and Sun night went a lot better. Everything at home is going well. My dad, Stephanie, Bailey and Brandon were in town from delivery through today (Monday). Mom and Bruce arrived on Sunday and will be here throughout the week. John is also home from work this whole week!

Here are some pictures, I will try to continue to post as time goes on :)

Daddy ready for the operating room:

One of the first pictures:
I see you:Happy Family!!!
All ready to go home:

Friday, July 10, 2009

38 Week Doc Appt.

Had another doctor’s appt this morning - Overall the appointment was fine but it took some time because baby was being lazy and stubborn :)

We did the same ultrasound we did last week where the doc looked at a bunch of different things but really wanted to see the baby take a breath. Last time the baby did it right away, baby was awake and moving lots. Well today our appt was an hour later and baby was sleeping and being LAZY!!! Doctor said sometimes it takes up to 30 mins so we sat on the ultrasound for 30 minutes. Nothing, so she had to move me to another test - NST (non stress test) sees watch the heart rate and movement.

She said that if it did not do what she wanted it to do then she would deliver today. So I sat on the NST for about 15 minutes and the heart rate spiked 2x, that’s what they were looking for, spike means movement etc. So she was happy with that, she moved me back to the ultrasound and saw enough movement to not deliver today.

We think it was just b/c of the timing of the appt, too late after breakfast, baby was sleeping. I'm going to go back on Monday at 1 (after lunch) to do another NST just to be sure everything is looking good for Wed.

She said if I have a large decrease of movement over the weekend to give the emergency line a call and I will go to the hospital for monitoring. After lunch the baby was moving just like normal so I’m sure it was just the timing, no food in my system, baby is usually quiet around that time anyways. So no worries and we are still on schedule for 7/15/09!

I will keep you updated if there are any changes over the weekend and after my appointment Monday afternoon.

Monday, July 6, 2009

37 week appt (full term) and Birthday scheduled

On July 2nd we went to our 37 week appointment. Everything is still looking great. The doctor did an ultrasound to check a few items that are not checked during the other ultrasounds. She saw everything she wanted to see. I learned something new today. A growing baby does not consistently take breaths, as mom is breathing for the baby. They will take breaths but not consistently; this is one thing the doctor wanted to see today. Our baby was taking breaths the whole time! She was very pleased with this as it’s a sign of how strong they will be when they are born! The heartbeat looked great too!

As of 37 weeks I’m now considered full term! Baby Payne can arrive any day :)

We have scheduled the C-section. Baby Payne’s Birthday will be July 15, 2009, assuming he/she does not decide to make an early appearance. I will go to the hospital the day before for pre-op paperwork and blood tests. On the 15th John and I need to be at the hospital at 6am for 8am surgery. From 6 to 8 they will finish up any paperwork, pump me with fluids, monitor me and baby, give me anesthesia for the operation, and doctor will come in for any last minute questions. Doctor said surgery will start at 8am and baby will be born by 8:15! As long as everything goes good with me and baby, baby will stay in the OR with us until I’m put back together and we will all go back to the room together. I will be able to do the first nursing as soon as we arrive back to the room. We will be sure to make calls and send out text messages as soon as possible :)

I have one more doctor’s appointment on Thurs July 9th to be sure everything is still on track!