Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Nursery and Week 19

Over the past month John and I have been working on the nursery! We received gift cards for home depot for Christmas and decided to do something more than just paint! We did all the work ourselves:

John and I put up all the wainscoting and the chair rails ourselves. It wasn't as hard as we thought it would be and was a lot of fun!

There is a couple of missing pieces but we have had lots of requests for pictures so I wanted to post! We will be getting an armoire for the wall to the right of the crib. A glider will also be added. Once the baby is born and we know the sex we will put his/her name above the crib!

I will be 19 weeks on Thurs. The baby is developing more sensory areas this week. The baby may be able to hear our voice now. The baby weighs 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches (about the size of a large tomato). I have still been feeling great. I don't think I have felt the baby's movement yet, they say you may feel it anytime between 16 - 20 weeks. I may have felt something but not realized what it was :)

We have our second trimester ultrasound on Monday - March 2nd. Will post new baby pictures after the appointment!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

OB Appointment (15 weeks and 5 days) and Week 16

We had another OB appointment today. Everything still looks great. I met another one of the doctor’s in the practice. There are a total of 4 that will be on the on-call rotation schedule so they like you to meet all of them before delivery. The doctor I met today was very nice! The plan for the appointment was to listen to the heartbeat using the Doppler device. We were unable to locate the heartbeat with the Doppler, but no worries! The next step was a quick ultrasound, as soon as she started we saw that my bladder was too full and that’s the reason the Doppler wasn’t working. I actually had to use the restroom before we continued; this was after I already gave a urine sample upon arrival! Once I was back with an empty bladder we could find the baby! Everything looked great and the heart was beating great. No pictures today. Finally they took one vial of blood for a MSAFP screening. This screening tests for certain fetal disorders.

She also let me know that all my blood results from the past appointments were normal including the 1st trimester screen!

4 weeks till my next appointment – March 2nd, which will be another ultrasound. We could find out the sex at this appointment but as most of you know we are not finding out the sex until birth!

I will hit Week 16 on Thursday. Here is a quick update on the baby’s growth as I will probably not update again so soon. In the next few weeks the baby will double in weight and add inches to its length. This week it will grow to the size of an avocado: 4 ½ inches long and 3 ½ ounces. The babies eyes have moved closer the front of his head and it’s ears are close to their final position. The babies heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day. AMAZING!