Monday, August 24, 2009

First Beach Visit and 1 Month Picture

On 8/14/09 we took Joel to the beach for the first time! It was a perfect day as it was stormy in the morning and early afternoon so it was cool and breezy by the time we made it out. Joel liked the water on his toes. No big surprise since he loves his baths so much!! Here are some pictures:

We also bought Joel a big Mickey to take a monthly picture with. It will be fun to see how it grows to be as big as Mickey!! Here is 1 month:

Joel will be 6 weeks on Wed (8/26/09). He is still doing great. He is growing every day. He is starting to get on a rough schedule, some days it changes but I can see it starting. We weighed him at home and he is about 10 lbs. We will get a true weight when we go to doctor for his 2 month check up. I have another 7 weeks off work with him and we are enjoying every minute. I’m not going to think about going back yet, but I know it will be here before I know it.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

3.5 Weeks

Wow, it’s amazing how fast the days and weeks fly by! Joel is 3.5 weeks now. He is doing GREAT! He was a little slow in gaining back the weight he lost after birth but we are now back on track. At his 3 week doctor’s appointment (for weight check) they wanted him to be back at his birth weight (8.2) and he was 8 lbs 6.5 ounces!! We don’t have go back till his 2 month check up now!

We had family in town in town for a full two weeks which was wonderful. Joel and I have been doing well now that we are alone too. We have started to make daily outings. With feedings every 2 hours its hard to be out too long but we make it work! Joel even had his first play date last week! My co-worker had a baby 2 weeks before Joel. Although Ryan and Joel barely noticed each other it was nice to visit with Tee’ha (Ryan’s mom).

We did professional pictures before John headed back to work, Joel was 9 days old. Here are some updated pictures including some of the professional ones.