Saturday, May 2, 2009

Week 28, Doctor’s Appointment, and the Nursery is DONE!

Wow, it has been awhile since I have updated the blog, this may be a long one!

Week 28 –
So Thursday 4/30, I hit week 28, last week marked the official move to the third trimester. I cannot believe how fast time is going. The baby now weights a little over 2 lbs and measures almost 15 inches from the top of the head to the heels. The baby is blinking it’s eyes and may be able to filter light through the womb. The baby’s body fat is increasing daily for preparation of life in the outside world. The baby is very active. It’s still an amazing feeling every time the little one is moving around. It is always active 30 – 60 minutes after I eat!! John got to feel a really strong kick the other night and that was exciting for both of us!!

John and I started our child birthing classes this week as well. We go on Tuesday nights for 2 hours. It’s a 6 week class. The teacher is really good! We learned a lot about relaxation techniques this week. They all sound like a great plan but we will see how that works out when labor actually kicks in!

Doctor’s appointment –
I also had my 28 week appointment this week. I met the last doctor w/in the practice. She was ok, but my least favorite of them all. Everything still looks good. My weight is up a little bit but I now start going every two weeks so I’m going watch what I eat these two weeks and then see how the weight looks at the next appointment. The baby’s heartbeat sounded great. I took the glucose test to test for gestational diabetes. I had to drink a sugar substance and then they drew blood, the results will be back early next week. The baby is still measuring a little bit big but no concern at this point. If it continues to measure big closer to my due date they will do an ultrasound to get actual measurements. I will not have another ultrasound unless one is needed for something specific. My next appointment is on May 13th.

Nursery –
When we originally bought the crib and dresser/changing table, the armoire piece was on backorder. It finally came in last week!! The nursery is officially done. Here are a couple of updated pictures:

This next month is really going to fly by with child birthing classes, 2 week doctor appointments, a friend’s wedding in West Palm Beach, and my baby shower at the end of the month!! I will try and update with new news when I can! Thanks for following!!